Thursday, October 10, 2024

Soundscape Project

What We Learned Pre-Creating:

    Our teacher taught us the ways sound is utilized in film and the different sound techniques someone can incorporate while creating a film. The ways of foley were also taught; we were given videos on professional foley and how the masters are able to create basic sounds heard in movies.

Our Directions:

    To create a 1–2-minute no video film using only sound effects that could happen in real time. Students had to create four foley sounds and edit them into a separate document. We were also allowed to find sound effects online to add to our project.

My Approach:

    Our brainstorming sheet was the most important part of visualizing our project. We first decided that we wanted to create a scene of someone going through the process of entering a movie theater. We divided our brainstorming sheet into four parts, each time being when the setting changes. We then listed around 8-12 sounds we wanted to use in each setting to picture the layout of our soundscape. Our outline helped us to imagine the order and overlay of our sounds and how they would sound together. When filming our foley sounds, the layout also doubled as a checklist to see how many of the sounds we still needed to create or find online. When editing our sounds together, we decided on using the program Adobe Premiere Pro, a tool that made layering the sound clips together extremely easy.


    I believe that our switch from the first scene to the next was good. We lowered the intensity of the rain sounds from outside to when the door was closed inside. We also managed to layer our sounds pretty well, which created a sense of realism to the entire scene.

    However, there were some timing issues with some of our sounds. I noticed a few of our sounds end abruptly, and when the whole sound has not played through, it erases some of the realism effect. Plus, some parts of our film sounded empty, some more sounds in the background could have been used to make the project sound more complete. The volume of some of the sounds were also too loud or quiet in different parts, and if changed to the right level, could make the project even better.

Link to our soundscape project:

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