Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Production on overload

        After the 3 entire production posts from last week, this week will mark the beginning of the end of my "time traveling" to that fateful day. Plus, I have been assigned to the soundscape/foley for the entire opening. I am SO excited!!! Adobe Premiere Pro is about to be my best friend over the next week, but this also means I'm probably going to see it more than my actual friends... darn it.

Wandering Whereabouts:

    After our successful filming at my team member Grace's house, we then had to have a location change to a medical plaza nearby. The second we got into the car, we all immediately agreed on putting song the song "You Are" by The Punch Brothers. This is a recall to a past project of ours where we had to create a music video based off of this song. The drive there was smooth, and luckily, we did not crash along the way! During the drive we captured some BTS footage: 

    After our short ride, we drove into a completely empty medical plaza near her home. This made it easy to know there would be no other people in our footage and gave an easily controlled setting. Making this scene in front of a medical plaza reestablish that Alice is in therapy, but the absence of people could also show how her is all alone in this situation. The eeriness of her being alone also fills any plot holes of other people being in the area during the time loop.
    While I wasn't directly a part of the shooting this scene and genuinely could not stand anywhere near them because of a mirrored wall, I was again given the most respectable job... script holder. I know, again, I would say I'm a professional at this point. But anyway, if I did stand near then, I would be in the middle of the road or in shot. But this also affected our videographer. We had to figure out a way where her reflection of the mirrors in front of us would not be shown in the shot, so we put her on the other side of a pillar to block her reflection. I however was wedged in between the pillar and the mirror, so I could not be seen at all.

Soundscape Project all over again:

    I will be doing our soundscape for our opening project... and that means one thing, making and finding the sounds. Foley is so interesting, and since I have some experience from our past soundscape project, I am going to have so much fun with this.
    I've figured out a few of the sounds I am going to need for this project, a few being a door opening, a phone dial, and footsteps. Honestly, I don't know if I'll foley a lot of these, just naturally record them off of my phone or find non-copyright sounds online. Although I can't 100% tell all the sounds I need yet because I don't have the finished video, I'll start looking around on

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Group Meeting #2

     Today we came full circle with the ideas we once had in the form of another group meeting. Now that our projects have been filmed and m...