Sunday, March 2, 2025


  There have been so many bloopers and BTS scenes I haven't shared on here yet, so I'll try and compile a few shots together today. Plus, there's been an "easter egg" during the production of our film opening.


    One of my props as Dr. Schultz was a clipboard. And what goes on a clip board? Paper! And with no other paper close by, I decide on having multiple uses for our script. It being, well, the script, and it being the notes Dr. Schultz writes down about Alice. On the back of the script, we wrote two things, Alices full name, Alice Jones, and the condition she is in, her eyebags and mental state. Having the script on me at all times was pretty handy, and I got to have the most honorable title in all of filmmaking, Script Holder. Yea, yea, try not to get too jealous. But this still made it easy to just flip the script around and make the necessary changes, while also making remembering my lines all the easier. 

Blooper scenes:

In this scene we film a close up where Alice gets her first phone call from the mysterious caller. While the shot seemed relatively easy, the timing for the phone call she receives was not. Apparently, when you are 10 feet away from each other, it still takes about 5 seconds for a call to fully go through. The stats at the end for this scene alone took 22 phone calls. Twenty. Two. Plus, we had additional retakes from laughing, such as this clip, or technical difficulties. One of these difficulties was the fact that we needed to see the phone for context of our story, except the phone we were filming had a privacy screen on it. So, every time the scene went perfect, but the angle of the phone was slightly off, we would have to redo the entire scene because of it.

Referencing my last post, this is footage of the other angle we see when T. Jacobs walks in. You can see both him and Maiya, which helps show the facial expressions of both characters.


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