Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Oscar Winning Acting

    The time has now come to illustrate our production processes. I've thought long and hard (10 minutes) about what I wanted to accomplish in my first blog post regarding this and have decided to make it a tribute to our acting.

Acting Pros:

    While I'd like to say my acting was okay, it didn't compare to my group member Maiya, who played Alice. She happened to have acting classes under her sleeve, and while I'd like to challenge this as unfair to be compared to, she did amazing. However, I'd say we spent about 30 minutes waiting for us to quit laughing over the seriousness of our tones. We needed dead silence for our shots to begin, to create an empty sort of feeling to our scene. This also gave room for the eerie non-diegetic music we want to put over the scenes in post-production. But yes, how could we all resist laughing when we are all staring at each other in dead silence, we aren't professionals okay?

    Some of these shots we happened to have made up on the spot. While we tried our very hardest to plan out absolutely everything before our filming date, sometimes we would be struck with a really cool idea we wanted to try. One of these shots happened to be a 180-degree loop around. This shot turned out SO awesome. It held so much depth from the emotion from her acting, and the significance of this reflecting on how Alice is thinking. She focused on creating her voice to truly show the terror Alice is feeling in the moment, while providing hand gestures to further capture the worry and tension going through her mind. Plus, by doing this, the camera is almost trapping her from all sides, which helped to center on the confusion Alice is feeling after being sent back in time to do her therapy session again. 

Here's a cute little BTS pic of the two of us!

    All seriousness aside, we had so much fun doing these scenes together and the fun little acting moments we had. 

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