Thursday, February 20, 2025

Who's Alice???

   I've been somewhat slacking lately with my blog posts... oops. Buuuuut it did give me more than enough time to think about each and every blog I'll be posting over the next few days, so I say that's a win!

    Moving forward, yesterday my team and I discussed even more about our plot and kept going with our script and plot. Our plot is basically finished, which means our characters are too! Today I'm going to be further introducing our main character Alice, along with the other background characters we see in the film Regression (I'm pretty sure we are keeping this name, unless we find some cool ideas!!!).

Alice's Character:

    Meet our protagonist Alice, a girl in her late teens/early twenties. As I've said before, the name Alice was depicted from the tale Alice and Wonderland, referencing the strange world that takes place in that story. We connect the two worlds together by the confusion and twists we have in our time loop. Instead of an innocent child, she has problems with her background, coming from an abusive mother. The leads to some struggles she deals with, such as depression and anxiety. When Alice is first shown on screen, we want to quickly develop the fact she does not want to be in therapy. We want to hint that she is reluctant on sharing her feelings and stays in her own bubble by taking anti-depressants to try and help her cope. And if we were going to keep going with this film, we would show the reason why she was put in therapy, which would be because she attempted suicide. However, she can't stop going to therapy because it was mandated by the court. 

    Here's a small mood board I created to help visualize herself and personality. I used the character Bella Swan from Twilight (2008). The two characters can slightly relate by Bella also being in her late teens, her similar appearance, and overall vibe. 

    We want to try and make her appearance very pale and bland to begin with, to really develop her isolation and sadness. Since our actor has dark hair, I gave her a blue grey very baggy y2k/grunge style in the mood board to complement that. The bagginess of her clothes could be a way to show how she is not only drowning in her clothing, but in her mental state as well. The color tones I've chosen reflects on Alices current psyche, further depicting how she struggles with depression. Although, I've thought that slowly giving more color to her and her atmosphere as the film progresses would be a good way to show how she is figuring the world and herself out and would be a good way to show a positive development throughout the story.

Our Other Characters:

    Dr. Shultz is the first side character introducing throughout our film opening. She is Alice's therapist, and not a very good one at that. Often coming off with a rude or honestly not professional attitude toward Alice. She does the bare minimum, and is shown to act annoyed at Alice, being somewhat happy when the session ends. On the contrary, she will have a professional appearance, revealing a theme of deception in her. Her look will have a clean hairstyle (we are thinking bun or half up half down) and lighter doctors' clothes. She will, of course, be GORGEOUS (played by me!!!).

    T. Jacobs (full name Texas Jacobs, a reference to a past project of ours) is a doctor's assistant that interrupts Alice's therapy session just as she was finally about to open up about something. We are thinking as the time loop slowly progresses, Alice will be pushed more and more to the edge by the annoyance of this character.

    Finally, our last character is going the be the mysterious caller. Before the time loop first begins, Alice answers the phone for the second time, revealing the voice of this mysterious caller saying, "You should have answered the first time..." We are thinking to further develop this character as the film continues, where Alice would be given more information on why she is stuck in the time loop, and what was the content of the first missed call.

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Question 4 Script

     Ok. I do think I'm going to swap the order of this question and the second question, so it has an even better finish to my CCR. So ...