Saturday, February 15, 2025

Plot Time!

    After the rockiest three weeks of trying to come up with a plot that is set in stone, all four of us somehow managed to put our 4 remaining brain cells together to come up with something. We spent two whole class periods trying to make any sense of our ideas, asked our instructor for guidance, researched our butts off, and only then were we finally able to do it (I've never felt so proud of us!). Well, enough of my yapathon, I'm going to try to explain our whole plot to my best ability.

Everything that had to do with our Plot:

    On Wednesday, me and my team sat down together, and we knew we had to lock in with creating our plotline. At first it was very messy, we each had our own ideas that clashed with one another, and other ideas that just didn't make sense for our entire plot. To prevent a downward spiral into even more confusion, we first started by listing off the things we knew we wanted in our opening. 

    Even though we had originally said we wanted the main character to know they were in a time loop, we settled for the opposite. Leaving the character oblivious to the time loop, at least at first, gives the movie a lot more room to develop the character and create an even more interesting story than if the character had knowledge pre-films. This way, the audience can grow alongside the main character, which could aspire a more interactive and interesting story.
    Another thing we decided were the names for our most viewed characters. For our mc, I had found a website great for finding hundreds of girl names and took a long scroll through it before we landed on a great name, Alice (#65 on the list). Not only is it a beautiful name, but it also reminds the audience of Alice and Wonderland, a story revolving around a girl trapped in a mysterious world. This is a parallel to our scenario, where our character Alice is trapped within a time loop, with no apparent way to escape. For our therapist's name we chose Dr. Schultz for no real reason, but it does sound of high authority, especially with the article "doctor."
    We also wanted to include the reoccurrence of phone calls. We are planning to open the film where Alice is receiving a phone call, which she doesn't pick up. 

    After tons of discussion, we decided to revolve the film around the importance of a missed call. Alice first receives this call from a random number in the beginning of the film, but does not pick up due to the fact she is in the middle of a therapy session where she talks about family issues. Soon later, the therapy session just reached its end, and Alice walks back to her car to leave. Once in her car, she receives a call from the same random number, but this time, she answers it. We decided the mysterious caller would say something along the lines of, "You should have answered..." adding suspense, drama, and most importantly, mystery. After this realization Alice is not able to communicate back, because this is the very end of the time loop.

Here is a quick diagram showing our structure for our opening only (props to my teammate Max for his beautiful art and demonstration skills). The dots are the first and second phone calls and the arrow represents the jump back in time.

    We see that Alice has been sent back in time, where the time loop restarts when she had just pressed decline during her therapy session. This further indicates this was a big deal, where she may have made the wrong decision. On the initial loop, Alice is confused and slightly freaked out.
     As the film progresses, Alice receives more and more hints on how to escape the time loop, and of the content of the message. The message and identity of the mysterious caller will relate to the original topic she was trying to seek help about, family issues.

    There are still a few questions we need to ask ourselves before we continue with our story, but overall, I believe this is a super cool idea. I know that we are going to pull this off so well, and that we are leaving all of our viewers astonished!

These Are the Top 1,000 Names for Baby Girls. (n.d.). What to Expect.

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Question 4 Script

     Ok. I do think I'm going to swap the order of this question and the second question, so it has an even better finish to my CCR. So ...