Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Portfolio Project Schedule

 Structuring my Schedule:

1. Intro + Research

  • Take a lot of time researching and developing our genre.
  • Our plot needs to be 100% finalized before we decide to start building our storyboard.
  • Analyze the necessary structure of an opening scene and integrate it into ours.
2. Detail Work

  • Details! Our project is going to have as many small details as it can to perfectly execute our idea.
  • Plan out EVERYTHING ahead of time through storyboard, script, etc. (in the past, some of our scenes were thought out in the spur of the moment).
  • Collect everything needed for props and costuming (buy, create or recycle).
  • Find our locations for filming and plan how we will access and use them.
3. Production

  • Film scenes (1,2,3 or even more takes per shot).
  • Foley and record all sound effects.
  • Develop own background music.
4. Editing

  • Edit all scenes together.
  • Use research to put credits in their set spot.
  • Add sound effects at their given time.
  • Revise our project multiple times before finishing.
5. Creative Critical Reflection

  • Research other openings to compare ours to theirs.
  • Create reflection.
  • Revise and finish CCR.

Written Schedule:

    Below I have written my schedule for the project in simpler and more structured terms. I think keeping everything organized on paper will remind myself of the due dates I have given myself. I wanted to put out my schedule relatively soon to when the project was assigned, and hopefully my group and I will be able to stick to this plan!

Last Revision:

    I think this is one of the best things we could have done for planning the next few weeks out, plus sticking to our schedule feels great in the end. I also scheduled it in a way that, if we need it, gives us a few extra days of leverage just in case anything happens, or if we are running a little behind. With this, procrastinating anything seems out of the question.

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