Woah, its approaching filming day, and fast. But I haven't been more excited! My team and I still need to finalize our filming locations and strict dates to film, but other than that in a few weeks we should have the entire footage for our opening. We should probably focus on determining our locations since its quite crucial we get the places right, otherwise our story might seem even more confusing.
And after all that plot jumble from my last entry, hopefully this storyboard will help make sense of it... or at least put pictures to the words. We were thinking for quite a lot of content to be putting into the two-minute film opening, so we will probably be using the additional 15 second lenience that we are given, and make sure every second counts! The storyboard doesn't really give our actual mice-en-scene visualization any justice, so we tried to make up for that by just giving a basic description of shots and camera angles from the space provided. Plus, we weren't able to have much time in class to work on this, since figuring out our plot was of most priority over the past few days.
To be frank, our storyboard is an artistic masterpiece (all talent goes to my team member Maiya who spent her time drawing so beautifully!).