Saturday, February 1, 2025

Portfolio Project time!

    Wow! It feels like the months have flown past, and its already time to start the big project! Starting this portfolio project has always been in the back of my mind, ever since the announcement of it on the first day of school. My initial fear, the intimidation of such a detail-oriented project, has been slowly diminishing as time progressed throughout the year. As the months in this class have gone by, it has slowly been giving me the confidence to know that my group and I will nail this project! And with that, this new chapter has now begun.

    Before I start, I have taken some quick notes on the different approaches of film openings to help develop our purpose and goal:

    From the various film approaches listed, one that definitely stood out to me was creating mystery. I liked the thought of using mystery to appeal and involve the audience in film, often creating a sense of confusion and wonder. Developing our opening revolving around something unknown, or with a lack of information could lead the story down so many paths and would overall lead the viewers yearning for more. Additionally, the creation of mystery goes along with many genres, however, it also works best with a few such as horror and thriller. This could help my group and I narrow down our genre choices in the future, while also helping connect our ideas together for the opening. The lack of knowing what something is keeps audiences intrigued, leaving it as one of my favorite film openings and something I wish to incorporate into our project.

    Another film approach I took interest in was developing characters. You can do just about anything with this opening and be as creative as you want to! This 100% piques my interest, as creating something such as this can establish our tone while also developing an insight into who the main character is. Developing character depends on the specific props, dialogue and costumes used to introduce the character's persona to the best ability. This can be used to create or learn about the backstory of the character, and how they will relate to the story being told. I feel like working with a clean slate of a character and slowly building them would be such an engaging and fun way to learn and develop our project!

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Group Meeting #2

     Today we came full circle with the ideas we once had in the form of another group meeting. Now that our projects have been filmed and m...